
Noosa Pickleball Club


Even the ABC is talking about pickleball

It might sound ridiculous, but pickleball is a rapidly growing sport and it's attracting some big names and big dollars. So what is pickleball and who's getting involved?

Have you voted?

Did you see the PAQ email - For the first time PAQ will be hosting an awards night to celebrate all the wonderful achievements of individuals, Clubs, and our affiliated businesses. for 2022. All members get a chance to have their say about who should be nominated.

Queensland Pickleball Tour - Gold Coast

The QPT continued its tour around Queensland. Gold Coast hosted the event playing on the Currumbin Courts. Club Members: Glenice, Sally, Mark and Ron entered.

New to Pickleball?

Are you looking to try the sport with a funny name? If yes, then come along to a beginner session

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