
Noosa Pickleball Club

SpinShot Ball Machine Booking Procedure


For the use of Noosa Pickleball Club members only!!!

Note: The ball machine is stored in the smaller of two locked steel cabinets in the storeroom at the Olive Donaldson Pavilion. A key to the small cabinet is hung on the side wall of the larger cabinet. Please do not use the machine if either the balls or courts are wet. It may damage the machine.

If you would like to use the ball machine, follow the steps below.

If you have already had a lesson in the use of the ball machine:

  1. Book and pay for a court for an hour (or more, if you like) at the Olive Donaldson Pavilion using Pickleplanner
  2. Access the machine by using the key mentioned above.
  3. At the completion of your session, return the machine and all balls to the cabinet.
  4. Fill out the form on the clipboard located with the machine.
  5. Return the cabinet key to side wall of the large cabinet.

If you would like to learn how to use the machine:

  1. Contact a club member who already knows how to use the machine or send a message to info@noosapickleballclub.com and a contact will be arranged for you.
  2. Work out a suitable time for your lesson with your contact.
  3. Book and pay for a court for an hour (or more, if you like) at the Olive Donaldson Pavilion using the Pickleplanner . At this stage, you need only pay for court hire.
  4. Download an app called DrillMaker (for Spinshot pickleball machine) to your phone.
  5. Access the machine by using the key mentioned above.
  6. At the completion of your session, return the machine and all balls to the cabinet.
  7. Fill out the form on the clipboard located with the machine.
  8. Return the cabinet key to side wall of the large cabinet.

*Please note that your name will be added to the list of those who know how to use the machine.

If you would simply like to practice by using the ball machine:

  1. Contact a club member who already knows how to use the machine or send a message to info@noosapickleballclub.com and a contact will be arranged for you.
  2. Work out a suitable time with your contact.
  3. Book and pay for a court for an hour (or more, if you like) at the Olive Donaldson Pavilion using the Pickleplanner App. 
  4. The person who conducts your session will access the machine, return it to its cabinet, etc.
