
Noosa Pickleball Club


Follow up Session for Come and Try graduates

Published Tue 28 May 2024

After attending the Come & Try sessions at the Olive Donaldson Pavilion with Woody, Bob, Cathie or Sally, or the Newcomers session at the Noosa Leisure Centre with Keith Bing on Sunday mornings, players are encouraged to join the Noosa Pickleball Club and be eligible to participate in the follow up sessions at the  Olive:  9 - 10.30 am.  Contact:  president@noosapickleballclub.com for more information. 

To join, you need to have an account with Pickle Planner. If you do not have an account, create one at this link:

    Create a new Pickle Planner Account

 If you already have an account,   Log in  and join the event.

The fee is $2.50 for the two-hour session.  The aim is to provide playing time for players who have attended either the Come and Try session at the Olive or the Newcomers session at the NLC. 

